[Ardour-Users] Multiple USB Input recording ___IS___ needed. No it is not "DUMMB" to want this feature

Al Thompson althompson58 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 14 15:39:12 PST 2014

On 01/14/2014 12:50 PM, Marco Bertorello wrote:
>> Whether or not Ardour is used by celebrities is irrelevant. The
> for me is important. If someone tell me that is pro-only, i want to
> known who are the pros that use it.
> If they are unknown people, while well-knowned ones use other
> softweare, how can somebody say that Ardour is pro-only?!

Why is it so important for you to know who uses a specific piece of
software or hardware?  Do you demand to know who uses a Neve console in
their recordings?  Or who uses an AKG 414 on their drum overheads??  I
think what SHOULD be important to YOU is "does it sound good to me, and
does it have the capabilities I need?"  If the answer to either of those
questions is 'no,' then look elsewhere. 

If your decisions about what to use are influenced mainly by what famous
pop artist uses it, then I suspect you should just purchase a Protools
HD rig, and be done with it.

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