[Ardour-Users] midi plugin on audio+midi track

Robin Gareus robin at gareus.org
Fri Dec 27 03:51:25 PST 2013

On 12/27/2013 12:00 PM, David Santamauro wrote:
> On 12/27/2013 05:25 AM, David Santamauro wrote:
>> ======
>> You attempted to add the plugin "MIDI Channel Map" in slot 1.
>> This plugin has:
>>    1 MIDI Input
>>    0 audio inputs
>> but at the insertion point, there are:
>>    1 MIDI channel
>>    2 audio channels
>> Ardour is unable to insert this plugin here.
>> ======
>> So how does one go about adding a MIDI plugin to an "audio+midi track"?
> I guess one doesn't.
> Audio/MIDI Tracks
>     There are a few notable plugins that can usefully accept both audio
> and MIDI data (Reaktor is one, and various "auto-tune" like plugins are
> another example. It can be tricky to configure this type of track
> manually, so Ardour allows you to select this track type specifically
> for use when working with such plugins. It is not generally the right
> choice when working normal MIDI tracks, and a dialog will warn you of
> this.[1]
> [1] https://community.ardour.org/manual/track_types


It depends what you want to do..

You can add/remove ports to/from a track or bus.
Right-click either on a port in the Audio/Midi Connection Manager or on
the connection button on the mixer strip.

Note that this allows to shoot yourself in the foot. Ardour does some
basic checks to prevent major issues but with some ingenuity you can
convince it to e.g. remove all MIDI ports from a MIDI-track and mess
things up :)


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