[Ardour-Users] Processor load on ardour

Brett Clark brett.clark at zirous.com
Mon Sep 8 09:25:25 PDT 2008

>> Do the rest of you have the same problem?


Gosh, not at all.  One of the biggest sessions I recorded was on a 1 Ghz
Celeron processor with 1.2Gig ram onto a dedicated SATA (SATA1, not
SATA-2) drive.  I got around 20 tracks and 8 buses sampling at 24/96
from my Delta 1010.  Granted, this was back on Ardour 0.99 and Fedora
Core 3 and I didn't care about latency so I maximized the buffers.  But
I did have EQing (TAP 10-band) on over half the tracks and buses, along
with some compression (TAP dynamics).  A couple of the tracks were
stereo, but most were mono.  I don't remember the exact counts on it,
but I do remember that on playback it would put the CPU around 60%.  And
I do remember being impressed with it.





From: ardour-users-bounces at lists.ardour.org
[mailto:ardour-users-bounces at lists.ardour.org] On Behalf Of Tiago
Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2008 10:51 AM
To: ardour-users at lists.ardour.org
Subject: [Ardour-Users] Processor load on ardour



  I have been using ardour for some time now, but I have found that some
tracks (about ten...) are enough to overload my processor (I start
hearing those clicks that happen when you don't produce samples as fast
as you play them). I am considering changing my athlon xp 2100+ (five
years old!) to a newer one.
  Do the rest of you have the same problem? Those dual (or quad) core
processors are better for this specific job (managing a lot of tracks)?


Tiago F. Tavares
tiagoft at gmail.com

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