[Ardour-Users] Flying faders on BCF2k not moving w/2.2, 2.3

Jonathan Stowe jns at gellyfish.com
Sun Feb 17 22:52:01 PST 2008

On Sun, 2008-02-17 at 21:48 -0500, Joe Hartley wrote:
> Hi folks.  I'm finally able to take a look @ 2.3 and I like it a lot 
> so far.  One thing my son and I noticed right off was the tiny metering
> that's happening just to the left of the waveform on the Editor screen.
> One thing I am having trouble with (and have for a while now) is that 
> the motorized faders on my Behringer BCF2000 don't move when either 
> the on-screen faders or gain automation change the level of gain.  The
> faders control the gain level as expected.
> I'm sure this is simply user error, and I just don't know enough about
> MIDI configuration to fix it without (more) trial and error.  If anyone
> has a BCF, can you give me a quick description of the setup of your 
> MIDI tab of the Preferences window, the MIDI tab of the QJackctl Connect
> window, and the MIDI items on the options menu, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Are you using the "Mackie" mode with the BCF in emulation mode or as a
standard midi device? You can find how to configure the former in
http://www.ardour.org/files/manual/sn-mackie.html. If you are using the
latter then you probably haven't got the "Feedback" option checked.


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