[Ardour-Users] Flying faders on BCF2k not moving w/2.2, 2.3

Joe Hartley jh at brainiac.com
Sun Feb 17 18:48:59 PST 2008

Hi folks.  I'm finally able to take a look @ 2.3 and I like it a lot 
so far.  One thing my son and I noticed right off was the tiny metering
that's happening just to the left of the waveform on the Editor screen.

One thing I am having trouble with (and have for a while now) is that 
the motorized faders on my Behringer BCF2000 don't move when either 
the on-screen faders or gain automation change the level of gain.  The
faders control the gain level as expected.

I'm sure this is simply user error, and I just don't know enough about
MIDI configuration to fix it without (more) trial and error.  If anyone
has a BCF, can you give me a quick description of the setup of your 
MIDI tab of the Preferences window, the MIDI tab of the QJackctl Connect
window, and the MIDI items on the options menu, I'd greatly appreciate it.


       Joe Hartley - UNIX/network Consultant - jh at brainiac.com
Without deviation from the norm, "progress" is not possible. - FZappa

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