[ardour-users] report building ardour2 on debian etch

Antonio debian at fastwebnet.it
Wed Sep 6 09:17:23 PDT 2006


I've built ardour2 on debian etch following the instructions in:


It builds without problems but I want to report two things. The first
is a typo in the above page: the sndfile version is >= 1.0.16 not 1.16.
The second thing is that I had to install also libglade2.0-dev
otherwise scons stop building reporting an error. I've installe the
package and re-run scond and the compilation continued without problems.

To install ardour I've run "scons install" from root.

I've not used ardour2 much but I want to report some experience. If
it's the case I can report a proper bug report to mantis.

1) If I start ardour without jack I get the classical error dialog, but
ardour2 segfaults if i click on that dialog.

2) If I start ardour without any .ardour dir in my home ardour segfaults
without any error message:

  $ ardour
  Ardour/GTK 2.0alpha2
     (built using 1.0.2 with libardour 1.0.0 and GCC version 4.1.2
  20060814 (prerelease) (Debian 4.1.1-11))
  Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Paul Davis
  Some portions Copyright (C) Steve Harris, Ari Johnson, Brett Viren,
  Joel Baker

  Ardour comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
  This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
  under certain conditions; see the source for copying conditions.
  ardour: [INFO]: No H/W specific optimizations in use
  Segmentation fault
  $ _

This bug has been reported one time on the mailing list, should I
submit a bug report for it?

3) The last thing involve the theme. Starting ardour without any option
I got an un-themed interface with most text unreadable because with the
same colour of the background. Changing the ARDOUR_UI_RC variable to
point to the patch of the ardour2_ui.rc file in the sources does not
change anything. I get a nice usable interface only if I use the -g
command line options. I should point out that the theme used, isn't my
gtk2 theme, but a theme pretty similar to this:


The only differeces are:

* the track name of the unselected track is unreadable (black as the

* the tabs on the right are horizontal and with clear background as my
gtk2 theme. However the selected tab's tile is unreadable (the text is
white as the backgroud).

* at the "normal" track height a small portion of the button are cut
(as the track should a bit larger).

Are these known problems or am I experiencing them only on my side?

Tell me I you need further information or want me to submet some bugs.


  ~ Antonio

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