[ardour-users] Can't make hidden tracks visible in eidt window

David dplist at free.fr
Mon Nov 13 12:34:01 PST 2006

On Mon, 13 Nov 2006 09:03:48 -0800
John Lyon <john at johnlyon.tzo.com> wrote:

> Thanks David, for the reply. Still can't figure this out.
> In the mixer window I can see the missing tracks. In the edit window,
> there are two tracks missing. I can't see them, so I can't click on
> them to bring them back. Yet I can hear them when I play, and I can
> see them in the mixer windows.
> I don't see a window labelled 'track's. Is it unlablled? 

Have a look at this :


On this screenshot, can you see the rectangle named "Tracks" with the
list of tracks written with an orange font ("master", "Drums", "!Drums",
etc.) ? It's on the left, at the edge of the editor window.

Clicking on a name either show or hides the corresponding track on the

If you cannot see that rectangle, it may be that you shrank it too
much with the little handle at the bottom. Grab that little square
handle to resize the pane.

> I've actually been using ardour for the past couple of years, and
> loving it. But this is frustrating.
> Any help would be deeply appreciated.
> Regards,
> John



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