[ardour-users] scenes anyone?

Paul Davis paul at linuxaudiosystems.com
Mon Jan 9 08:39:21 PST 2006

On Mon, 2006-01-09 at 08:27 -0800, Kevin Cosgrove wrote:
> On 9 January 2006 at 10:17, Paul Davis <paul at linuxaudiosystems.com> wrote:
> > just rename them at the filesystem level (keep the .ardour
> > suffix). presumably you are aware that you are free to choose
> > better names when creating them as well, the date is just a
> > default guess at a name.
> Is saving the snapshots with a different name in the first place
> equivalent to renaming them at the filesystem level?

depends. its closer to a copy in some sense. but basically, yes. saving
a snapshot writes a file called "yoursnapshotname.ardour" to disk, where
"yoursnapshotname" is whatever you selected (date by default).

> If I'm done with a snapshot, then do I just remove the .ardour
> and .ardour.bak files for it?  I haven't found a way to do this
> in ardour yet, but I haven't looked either.

you can't do it from within ardour, sort of by design. but you can
certainly do this from the filesystem level. note that snapshots are
*tiny* compared the the audio data they represent. unless they are
making your life difficult, there's not much reason to remove them other
than ...

> I'd assume that ardour does all the right stuff with regards
> to cleaning up unused sources and flushing the wastebasket (is
> that what it's called? I don't have ardour where I'm writing
> this).  By "right stuff" I mean that unused sources are those not
> referenced by any of the .ardour files in the current project's
> directory tree.

that's correct. those operations read every snapshot file for the
session and will only remove files that are not referenced by any


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