[ardour-users] noise problem with Ardour 0.99 and TAP reverb

Oleg Ivanenko oai-ash at yandex.ru
Mon Oct 31 03:36:56 PST 2005

>  While working on a session for a student I discovered a nasty problem: 
>I have the TAP reverb in the master output strip, and I get a horrible 
>noise after I move a track or relocate the playback cursor.

Hi, all!

I have another(?) problem with same ingredients (ardour-0.99, jack-audio-connection-kit-0.100, tap-plugins-0.7.0).

TAP Reverberator (thank you Tom for it!) is used in Ardour. Created automation curve of Decay parameter of this plugin. Every node of this curve produce noticeable ugly echoed click. What I should do with it??? Any recipes?

My sweet recorder track was broken... :'(

Truly yours, Oleg Ivanenko aka Ash
[Все это было бы смешно, когда бы не было так грустно]

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