[ardour-users] Track import problem

Paul Davis paul at linuxaudiosystems.com
Tue Nov 22 08:16:27 PST 2005

> Last summer, we did a classical concert recording (multitrack, protools on
> OSX laptop). Afterwards, I grabbed the complete soundfile-directory and copied
> it on my firewire HD. 
> So I now have a set of (broadcast)-wave files in MONO numbered accordingly
> and labeled "xxx.L.wav" and "xxx.R.wav". 
  [ ... ]

> Question: Is there any standard, canonical method to import this into simple
> stereo regions to use in my ardour session?

alas, there isn't. it wasn't a workflow that went through my head,
because even stereo regions are actually 2 separate files.

the quickest, most reliable method that doesn't involve a text editor
is probably to use sox to combine them into stereo files, then import
into ardour. problem is that sox will choke on BWF (gack!) so you would
need to run sndfile-convert to get normal WAV files instead. you've also
mentioned that space is an issue too.

i apologize for this not being an easier thing to do. you might be
better off doing the "hacky" thing and using a text editor. if you want
guidance, please just ask, and remember that feedback is much faster via
our IRC channel, #ardour on freenode.net


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