[ardour-users] new song on-line

Russell Hanaghan hanaghan at starband.net
Tue Nov 15 08:55:14 PST 2005

Pasi Karppinen wrote:

>Dave Phillips wrote:
>> I've uploaded a new song:
>>   http://linux-sound.org/keepmesatisfied.ogg
>> And I've revised and updated my "Music Made With Ardour" page:
>>   http://linux-sound.org/ardour-music.html
>> Lyrics and license for the new tune are on the Ardour music page, if 
>>anyone's interested.
>> Enjoy!
>>ardour-users mailing list
>>ardour-users at lists.ardour.org
>Wow! Man that was excellent! What was the equipment used to record that 
>damn nice piece of blues? I was listening with M-Audio Delta 66 + AKG 
>K141Studio headphones and it sounded almost like a professional 
>recording. Would you also like to tell us more like what effects were 
>used on vocals and such?
>Very enjoyable blues! Like Eric Clapton. Way to go Dave!
Indeed, this is a slick sound!

Good content Dave. Timing goes "walkabout" a bit but hey...Its Blues! :)

Is that you pickin'?  Being a guitfiddlist...that always stands out to 
me first. Some very nice "buttery" blues licks! Vocals arent too shabby 

An effort worthy of the "elephant stamp" and a Brownie Button...whatever 
your flavor is. :)


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