[ardour-users] Delta 1010 question

jazzride jazzride at laposte.net
Fri Nov 11 09:31:51 PST 2005

Paul Winkler a écrit :

>On Thu, Nov 10, 2005 at 12:09:01PM -0800, Kevin Cosgrove wrote:
>>I've lurked here and on the Linux Audio Users lists, as well as
>>searching the web and list archives.  The consensus of that is
>>that no one has been able to demonstrate that it can be done.  I
>>have only one 1010 (not LT), so I can't even try this.  A friend
>>of mine has a 1010LT, and I might try sometime to get those
>>cards to sync up.  Some people assert that because there are two
>>crystals of different frequencies in two different sound-cards,
>>that it's impossible to get the two cards to be synchronized.
>Eh? AFAIK "people" only say that about cards which lack 
>either word-clock or a spare S/PDIF I/O that you can (ab)use
>for the purpose.
>It *is* generally impossible to synchronize two cheap consumer-grade
>soundcards because they usually lack those features.
>>I'm still waiting to see a joy filled posting from anyone that
>>managed to get this working.
>I don't have two cards with word-clock, but I did once
>(a long time ago) get my delta 66 in sync with my soundblabber,
>by feeding the S/PDIF output of the latter into the S/PDIF input
>of the former and selecting Hardware Settings -> Master Clock -> "S/PDIF in" 
>in envy24control.  But then I never figured out how to properly 
>set up asoundrc to treat the two cards as one card, and I haven't 
>needed more than 4 channels lately, so I haven't tried again.
same pb for Win + Samplitude6: 1 Delta 1010 = perfect
2 Delta 1010 = problems of synchro. (cf. Magix pro support. Sam6 uses 
WDM, not ASIO)

Sync of 2 Delta 1010 is a real problem, not only under  Linux.

I use this config: dual boot WIn2K (...)  Samplitude / Agnula Demudi 
Ardour. :)

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