[ardour-users] To and from Ardour

Mark Knecht markknecht at gmail.com
Fri Jun 3 13:28:06 PDT 2005

On 6/3/05, Chris Reisor <creisor at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 6/3/05, Josh Karnes <jkarnes1 at austin.rr.com> wrote:
> > They ask.  Usually like "are you running Pro Tools?"  Then it goes like
> > this, we answer "no, we are using Ardour..."  "what's that"  "well it runs
> > on Linux and ..."  "oh, thanks, we'll be in touch".  OR "no, we're using
> > Nuendo" "oh, isn't that what the Dixie Chicks producer used for their last
> > record" "yeah" "great!"
> I'm only chiming in because I cringe to think of supporting Windows 98...
> When they ask "are you running Pro Tools," just say "yes."  How are
> they going to know the difference?

They'll ask for the session files or they'll ask to bring you session
files they did elsewhere - other studios or at home.

> I'm sure the typical office worker wouldn't know the difference if you
> replaced MS Word with OpenOffice and told them it was an upgrade.

More true than false, but that's a different sort of issue. office
workers drive Office. Pro Tools users in a studio don't. That's Josh's
job. Problem is it comes down to data going in and out of the studio.
(In my experience - I've been on both ends, and even in the middle
once negoitiating with a studio owner for a band.)


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