[ardour-users] Ardour needs a forum

Mark Knecht markknecht at gmail.com
Tue Aug 30 07:10:43 PDT 2005

   I agree with Doc on all accounts. My only wish about *all* mailing
lists is that there was a consistent way to search the archives. My
experience with sourceforge searching is that it's hit and miss. Forum
searches are usually quite good within that forum.

   Other than that I really prefer email to forums. Lots of topics
come across my screen that I'm only thinking about a little bit and it
turns out someone has the same problem/interest as I do. A good email
title does a lot to get my attention!

   Note: I receive between 100-300, sometimes going as high as 500
emails a day. Ardour-Users/Ardour-Dev doesn't seem to account for more
than 5 on the average.


On 8/30/05, D. R. Evans <N7DR at arrl.net> wrote:
> Steve Robinson said the following at 2005-08-30 01:41 :
> > The Ardour mailing list is extremely active .....too
> > active. If I have ever seen the need for a forum this
> > is it.
> I disagree -- unless the forum/fora are gatewayed to one or more mail
> reflectors, so that people who prefer e-mail can continue to receive the
> information that way.
> Here's why:
> With a forum, you have to fire up a web browser and you have to make the
> effort to go and read the information instead of having it all delivered
> automatically to one's mailbox in a near-real-time basis. The e-mail is at
> least as nicely threaded as any forum. And one has the archives local, and
> can flag important messages for easy retrieval. I for one can find things
> in e-mail archives many, many times faster than finding it through some
> search function for a web site.
> > If one is looking for info on something it is very
> > difficult to find. One has to search thru a mass of
> > mail archives. It's a daunting task.
> I don't understand this statement. "Search Messages..." works fine in TB.
> Something equivalent is available in any decent e-mail client. Perhaps I am
> missing the point somehow?
>    Doc Evans
> PS The whole forum phenomenon has mystified me for a while. I can't think
> of a single advantage compared to e-mail, and there seem to be a whole ton
> of disadvantages. Actually, I guess that's not true -- I suppose that it is
> easier to have categories in a forum; but the tiny amount of traffic on the
> ardour reflectors doesn't seem to justify categories. I have to disagree
> that the volume on ardour-users is high; it's one of the least active
> reflectors to which I subscribe -- and has one of the highest
> signal-to-noise ratios. Although I suspect that this posting is adding to
> the noise :-(
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