[ardour-users] Introduction and congratulations

Shayne O'Connor forums at machinehasnoagenda.com
Tue Aug 16 20:47:35 PDT 2005

Andres Cabrera wrote:
> Hi all,
> My name is Andrés Cabrera and I'm a sound engineer and musician, working
> primarily on tv post-production (been doing it for more than 5 years). I
> have extensive experience with ProTools (LE, Mix and HD systems), Sonar
> and Logic Audio. 
> I'm starting to put Ardour through rigorous work on a project which
> tests the limits of any multi-track editor, and I have been very
> positively impressed by Ardour's workflow and features (though some are
> still rough on the edges...) and it's amazing to see an open source tool
> which delivers productivity and speed of usage.
> Right now I'm recording an english audio CD course which has hundreds of
> edits across a 66 minute timeline, and although Ardour has gotten slower
> as the session got heavier, I'm pretty sure it beats my other option for
> this project which was Sonar.
> These are some things I really like about Ardour:
> - The edit cursor
> - The non-realtime bounce (Protools users wish they had this!)
> - The export toc for cdrdao burning
> - The well thought and efficient editing interface
> - Its audition options
> - Plugins as pre fader or post fader processes
> - The idea of snapshots
> But my love affair with Ardour hasn't been only roses...
> SIZE!! message with only one button to exit. I was later relieved to
> find I could close this window, save and then close Ardour... Maybe a
> second button 'save and close' should be there for unwary visitors like
> me....
> I've found it somewhat unstable, with occasional segfaults. I'm getting
> everything ready to build from source with debugging so I can help track
> this. This mostly occurs when splitting clips (using 's').
> Sometimes the segfaults cause the original .ardour file to disappear...
> =(, so I have to use the .bak.
> But I'm not dissing Ardour, I really like it, and hope it continues
> improving, which I'm sure it will.
> I'm currently using Ardour 0.9beta29 from PlanetCCRMA on an FC2 Planet
> CRRMA system. I'm working with an Echo Mona Laptop interface (at 5ms
> latency which Sonar can't do with the same hardware) and an external
> Lacie firewire drive.
> So I'm just saying hi, saying congratulations and introducing myself to
> prepare people for the flood of suggestions to come...=)

wow, cool! seems like yr getting right into ardour, and have 
brain-mapped it pretty damn well!

i'm sure we can all surf the flood of suggestions ;)


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