[ardour-users] Introduction and congratulations

Paul Davis paul at linuxaudiosystems.com
Tue Aug 16 21:50:22 PDT 2005

> Right now I'm recording an english audio CD course which has hundreds of
> edits across a 66 minute timeline, and although Ardour has gotten slower
> as the session got heavier, I'm pretty sure it beats my other option for
> this project which was Sonar.
> These are some things I really like about Ardour:
> - The edit cursor
> - The non-realtime bounce (Protools users wish they had this!)
> - The export toc for cdrdao burning
> - The well thought and efficient editing interface
> - Its audition options
> - Plugins as pre fader or post fader processes
> - The idea of snapshots

very glad to hear you like this stuff.

> But my love affair with Ardour hasn't been only roses...
> SIZE!! message with only one button to exit. I was later relieved to
> find I could close this window, save and then close Ardour... Maybe a
> second button 'save and close' should be there for unwary visitors like
> me....

you'll be happy to hear that this bug is already fixed in the CVS

> I've found it somewhat unstable, with occasional segfaults. I'm getting
> everything ready to build from source with debugging so I can help track
> this. This mostly occurs when splitting clips (using 's').
> Sometimes the segfaults cause the original .ardour file to disappear...
> =(, so I have to use the .bak.

the list of fixes for beta30 is pretty enormous. i'm hopeful we'll have
dealt with quite a few of the problems you are seeing, once it emerges.

> So I'm just saying hi, saying congratulations and introducing myself to
> prepare people for the flood of suggestions to come...=)

thanks for the feedback. please stay in touch.


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