[ardour-users] send during record

Paul Davis paul at linuxaudiosystems.com
Wed Aug 10 18:16:08 PDT 2005

On Wed, 2005-08-10 at 21:11 -0400, Joseph Dell'Orfano wrote:
> Quick question. I have a vocal track that I would like to monitor while
> tracking a background vocal track. The singer wants reverb on the
> monitor mix, so I set up a post fader send on the vocal track to a bus
> which outputs to jackrack with reverb running. This sounds fine during
> playback. Unfortunately, when I hit record, the send stops sending - all
> input to the reverb bus goes dead.
> I am a relative beginner, but it seems that the send should still be
> active during recording. Is this behavior expected? It happens with auto
> input on and off, and with either hw monitor, sw monitor or neither
> selected. 

check the options editor, Misc tab, for "run plugins while recording".

you'd expect it to apply only to plugins, but i think it applies to all
redirects (plugins, port inserts, sends)


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