[ardour-users] Potential user Ardour questions

Josh Karnes jkarnes1 at austin.rr.com
Sat Mar 20 09:48:17 PST 2004

Jesse Chappell wrote:

> Everyone is always focused on low latency, when it really isn't
> what everyone needs....  ignore me if you have good reasons for
> wanting it.  This was just a public service announcement :)

Well, the need for low latency for me is just in case there is no near-zero
latency way of monitoring incoming tracks.  Remember, I'm trying to do this
WITHOUT a hardware mixer.  So, if with the Delta 1010 I can make use of the
1010's built in "direct monitoring" feature, and Ardour supports latency
compensation (which I believe it does), then it's not an issue.

The VST thing is the kicker for me, I think, since I am highly addicted to a
Windows-VST compressor plugin.  However, this plugin is said to work with the
wine & vstserver implementation.

Josh Karnes


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