[ardour-users] kernel for Gentoo + xruns after 5-6 seconds of recording 8 channels

Alex Obradovic aobradovic at gmail.com
Thu Aug 5 16:57:58 PDT 2004

I installed planet CCRMA kernel as instructed by Gentoo documentation,
I customized kernel, enabled low latency, but still Ardour records for
about 8 seconds and then I get X-run and a message to restart both
Jack and Ardour.

Is this my kernel issue? Should I get a different kernel? 

I have HDSP card, and I was doing 44.1 khz 8 channel recording, 8
channels simultaneously. CCRMA kernel, Jack, Alsa drivers and Ardour
were built from latest protage packages that were available as of 2
weeks ago.

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