[ardour-users] kernel for Gentoo + xruns after 5-6 seconds of recording 8 channels

Glenn McCord clari_player at paradise.net.nz
Fri Aug 6 00:13:14 PDT 2004

I've had kernel issues. I've got this mint 2.4.22 kernel which works a 
treat. However it's got heaps of things enabled/moduled by default which 
I dare not touch. One day I decided to try a 2.4.26 and because I'm a 
sucker I wasted so much time trying to get it to work like my 2.4.22. It 
had less things enabled by default so after applying the patch and 
selecting the things the howtos told me too, it still didn't work.

The solution? I copied the .config file from my 2.4.22 across. I wanted 
a lightweight kernel but I was out of luck. I'm at a loss to know what 
the exact thing I was missing that prevented the 2.4.26 from working 
originally. Oh, and I'm running and SB Live!.

I'll send you my config file if you want it. I'm in Windows at the 
moment otherwise I'd send it anyway.


Alex Obradovic wrote:

>I installed planet CCRMA kernel as instructed by Gentoo documentation,
>I customized kernel, enabled low latency, but still Ardour records for
>about 8 seconds and then I get X-run and a message to restart both
>Jack and Ardour.
>Is this my kernel issue? Should I get a different kernel? 
>I have HDSP card, and I was doing 44.1 khz 8 channel recording, 8
>channels simultaneously. CCRMA kernel, Jack, Alsa drivers and Ardour
>were built from latest protage packages that were available as of 2
>weeks ago.
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