[ardour-users] My experience up to now

R Parker rtp405 at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 29 10:49:42 PDT 2004


> Should there be certain commands we should not use?
> Not for a professional software.

Obviously that's true. I'm sure it's just as obvious
that you and the rest of realize that we're testing
and assisting with the development of a beta stage

> There is definitely some error management to be
> done.

Without a doubt. And some has been done; feature
freeze and continuous reporting and fixing of bugs. I
have and do share the same frustrations that you have.
Something that gained a greater appreciation for is
the scope of this project. I don't think it's easy
appreciate because the depth of the challange is great
and many aspects are subtle. For example, there isn't
any previously released code out there that enables
the developers to "connect the dots".

> I have put on hold my music production to switch to
> linux.
> 10 months have gone by and I have not one piece to
> show for.

I'm not suprised that you haven't been able to
complete anything. One of the frustrations I'm sure
developers and users share is that as one bug gets
fixed another appears. While it has been alarming to
me, I doubt like hell if the phenomena indicates a
gloomy outcome. I remain very optomistic.

> I believe in the product and would gladly pay for
> it, if only I could bring my projects to term.
> I have to start thinking about serious production
> now.

Absolutely understandable. You've sent a letter that
expresses deep frustration and ultimate decisions. I
think it's positive to express these frustrations.
Especially after you've invested a good deal of time
and really tried to use the application.

I'm not sure what's going on with Mantis. I hope you
figure it out because I think the project would really
benefit from more quality bug reporting. There are
alot of interfaces to examine and your focus on plugin
interfaces would be helpful. I've had many experiences
where I requested features or reported bugs and the
developers were able to very quickly respond with


> Maybe I should not be using the latest beta version?
> Where can I get a really stable version?
> regards,
> Sly Cormier
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