[Ardour-Dev] Ardour conversation on CEC

Thomas Vecchione seablaede at gmail.com
Tue Mar 31 12:10:43 PDT 2009


  Actually the one complaint I see listed there is already being addressed I
believe in Ardour3.  I haven't tested it myself yet, but myself and one
other individual put a bounty on the issue which was subsequently patched in
Ardour3.  So it is a known issue, but if you could forward that along, along
with information about the ability to put a financial bounty on issues they
would like to see fixed/improved/introduced I won't complain.


2009/3/31 Max Stein <maxwell.stein at gmail.com>

> Hello,
> Ardour has been brought up as a topic of discussion on the Canadian
> Electroacoustic Community listserv. There have been two comments about
> difficulties in working with automation (copying/pasting). The entire
> conversation can be read below.
> Best,
> Max
> Forwarded conversation
> Subject: Ardour
> ------------------------
> From: *Hinkle-Turner, Elizabeth* <ehinkle at unt.edu>
> Date: Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 3:44 PM
> To: "cec-conference at concordia.ca" <cec-conference at concordia.ca>
>  Has anyone out there used Ardour (in my case for Mac OS X Tiger or
> Leopard)?  What think you of it? (esp. when compared to Pro Tools or Logic )
> Thank you!
> Elizabeth H-T
> *Dr. Elizabeth Hinkle-Turner*
> *Asst. Director - Academic Computing and User Services*
> *The University of North Texas*
> *ehinkle at unt.edu*
> *940-565-4808   / 940-453-6938*
> ----------
> From: *Magnus Alexanderson* <magnus.alexanderson at telia.com>
> Date: Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 4:22 PM
> To: cec-conference at concordia.ca
> Hi.
> If I remember correctly, Kim Cascone and a few others has tried it and said
> good things about it. Some prefered it compared to Pro Tools. So perhaps
> worth checking...
> best,
> Magnus Alexanderson (composer/improviser) in Sweden
> ----------
> From: *Michal Seta* <mis at artengine.ca>
> Date: Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 12:35 AM
> To: cec-conference at concordia.ca
> Ardour has matured a lot in the past 3 years or so.  I have not tried
> it on MaxOSX, my understanding is that setup requires a little bit of
> getting used to (you need JACK Audio Connection Kit) and it probably
> does not support your Wave plugins. It does come with a handful (a
> little over 100) of LADSPA plugins and you should be able to use your
> AudioUnit plugins (I have no clue, off the top of my head, what about
> VST plugins on that platform).  MIDI is coming with version 3.
> In terms of multitracking functionality it certainly offers as much as
> the tools you mention.  I do not know Logic but a couple of things
> come to mind in comparison with ProTools:  you can use it with ANY
> audio hardware and you have no limit on number of plugins, busses or
> tracks.  That also means that you can mix for as many channels as you
> wish (whether they are physically available or not!).  There are
> certainly other advantages, Ardour website covers features in more
> depth.  Ardour's documentation is probably not as well polished and
> complete as ProTools or other similar software.  Oh, and if you do try
> Ardour, get a 3-button mouse because Ardour takes advantage of all 3
> buttons in combination with various keyboard shortcuts.
> Hope that helps
> ./MiS
> ----------
> From: *peiman khosravi* <peimankhosravi at gmail.com>
> Date: Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 6:55 AM
> To: cec-conference at concordia.ca
> Some issues with ardour. Editing the automation is not very easy
> (particularly copy and paste). Grouping tracks does not include the
> automation editing wich is a nighmare as there is no easy way to copy
> an automation from one track and paste it exactly on the same time
> spot on another track. So ot os particularly difficult to deal with
> multiple mono files.
> If it was not for this problem I would use it.
> It seems that ardour is not so good when it comes to editing but for
> recording and general mixing it is fine.
> Best
> Peiman
> 2009/3/31 Michal Seta <mis at artengine.ca>:
> ----------
> From: *Ivo Tobin Lippold* <it at goodnightnobody.ca>
> Date: Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 2:36 PM
> To: cec-conference at concordia.ca
> I second this. In every aspect but this one Ardour seems as capable as
> either ProTools or Logic, and has the distinct advantage of being free.
> Perhaps if enough people were to post to the Ardour forums complaining, they
> would work to fix this issue? It is a serious problem for electroacoustic
> composition, given the degree to which we often rely on automation.
>  I Tobin
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