[Ardour-Dev] Ardour CD's [was: Re: funding priorities]

Sean Corbett seanbutnotheard at gmail.com
Tue Jan 20 06:26:00 PST 2009

That seems reasonable.  It will probably be done by the end of
February.  Specifically what should the licensing be for the track?
And because IANAL, what would the implications for the band be?  They
would still be able to sell the song through the regular channels,
correct?  Also, I would it perhaps be desirable to post the original
session somewhere for prospective users to check out?

Sean Corbett

On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 12:03 AM, Patrick Shirkey
<pshirkey at boosthardware.com> wrote:
> Sean Corbett wrote:
>> I just got done tracking with a band who I could probably convince to
>> allow one of their tracks to be included on the "Made with Ardour CD",
>> as they are fairly Linux-minded folk (I've installed and customized
>> Ubuntu for three of the guys).  Assuming they're OK with it, I'll post
>> one somewhere for review when we're satisfied with the mix.
> To get this back on topic for the thread. Thanks for your offer.
> Do you have any estimates on how long you will need to get the track ready?
> I'm thinking a three month turnaround with the official release at the LAC
> 16 - 19 April might be a good deadline.
> We would need the track 15 March to get everything ready for the conference.
> Is that doable for you?
> Cheers.
> --
> Patrick Shirkey
> Boost Hardware Ltd.

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