[Ardour-Dev] Website upgrades

Patrick Shirkey pshirkey at boosthardware.com
Mon Jan 19 21:22:16 PST 2009

Thomas Vecchione wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 12:00 AM, Patrick Shirkey 
> <pshirkey at boosthardware.com <mailto:pshirkey at boosthardware.com>> wrote:
>     Thomas Vecchione wrote:
>         At the moment there are already upgrades happening in the
>         background I have been told, so I haven't looked to closely at
>         specific work.  Drupal/Mantis integration has some work
>         already done on it in fact in the Drupal world(bugbits IIRC is
>         the name of the module, currently being ported to D6, will
>         skip D5), but until other tings are done I can't look to
>         closely at it to know whether that would work for us or not.
>     It seems Paul or someone else is working on a more integrated
>     system.  I'm happy to assist with the code.
>     I think it would be helpful to identify the exact issues that need
>     to be fixed in the Mantis system.
>     1: The front page doesn't show the (top 10) pledged amounts or
>     monies received for Mantis bugs/requests
>     2: When making a pledge it should be possible to donate immediately
>     3: We need a target cost for each bug and feature request so that
>     we can see how close the pledges and donations are to the goal.
>     When the goal is reached it should be scheduled for development.
>     4: When a pledge is fulfilled it should be made visible on the
>     front page. Maybe a seperate module with the total amount paid and
>     target for dev which clicks through to a breakdown of how many
>     people have contributed/pledged and optionally their names. It
>     could be an option to have your name displayed when you make the
>     payment/pledge.
>     The above would go along way to making the system more dynamic and
>     transparent which should encourage more people to contribute and
>     most importantly to contribute regularly.
> The problem, and it is already known, is that what you have described 
> is more than coding issues.  It has to do with how to handle the 
> money, and how to pay out to individual developers.  There are many 
> options, but many of the more suitable options require a better 
> infrastructure than is currently availiable form Ardour at a financial 
> level.  This would affect paying out to devs individually, as well as 
> handlin pledges so that they aren't paid until the functionality it 
> fulfilled, but is set aside on the pledge.
So, we need to integrate zencart?

That will give us a complete administrative interface for managing 
payments. Otherwise we can roll our own.

We are supposed to be very good at developing. Doing this web and 
database stuff is bread and butter for most of us.

Patrick Shirkey
Boost Hardware Ltd.

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