[Ardour-Dev] Ardour GUI strings

Piotr Zaryk pzaryk at gmail.com
Wed Apr 16 05:12:03 PDT 2008

I agree some little reorganization is needed.

2008/4/15, Julien Goodwin <ardour at studio442.com.au>:
> On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 12:18:05PM +0100, Dan Weatherill arranged a set of
> bits into the following:
> > > Hi Dan,
> > > I think Piotr is talking about text strings only. I don't think that
> > > following this or that guideliness
> > > for this matter will make ardour look out of place on some DEs, but
> make it
> > > look cleaner and more
> > > consistent in all of them.
> >
> > Yes that is fair enough.
> >
> > >
> > > I also agree with him about some menus look a bit bloated with the
> repeated
> > > words.
> >
> > To be honest in an ideal world I think there's a case for having more
> top
> > level menus. For example, the transport pulldown menu has become
> absolutely
> > huge. It's not a problem, but it sometimes makes it harder to find the
> exact
> > item you're after.
> I'd actually suggest that in some cases options should go into dialogs.
> How's this for a hirachy:
> * Session
>         - As is, but add a properties option
>                 -- Initial properties could be the audio file format and
>                 timecode settings from the "Options" menu
> * Transport
>         - As is, but move "Options" to the top
> * Edit
>         - As is
> * Select
>         - As is
> * Regions
>         - As is
> * View
>         - As is
> * Hardware - (what's now JACK)
>         - Jack menu as a submenu
>         - Options/Autoconnect
>         - Options/Control Surfaces
>         - Options/Metering
>         - Options/(MTC|MMC)
> * Windows
>         - Remove "Preferences:
> * Options
>         - Remove those options now on other menus
>         - Remove the "metering" submenu as it's a duplicate of entries
>           in "View"
>         -- Add "Preferences" to the bottom
> * Help
>         - If the only option is "about" I'd say remove
> Thanks,
> Julien
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Best Regards,
Piotr Zaryk
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