[Ardour-Dev] The ignored bug...

Quentin Harley qharley at wbs.co.za
Fri Oct 5 13:59:55 PDT 2007

Hi list

I have asked many times, opened tickets, and still I get no reply.

I have a Midi enabled Mixer, and I control my Ardour mixer though it.  
It can use MTC as well, and it worked very well in 0.9x versions of Ardour.

When I use MMC and MTC together, I get the following message, hundreds 
of times when I move a fader on my board. 

[ERROR]: Session: cannot send quarter-frame MTC message (Bad address)

If I continue, Ardour just clutches out and quits.

Has anyone even looked at the ticket yet?
Sorry if I sound a bit down, but I love Ardour, and use it for all my 
recording work.  This little bug just stuffs around my work flow, and I 
cannot go back to 0.9x any more :-(

I'll try creating a backtrace, and will send it on if anyone is interested.


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