[ardour-dev] scons build available for testing

Jack O'Quin joq at io.com
Mon Mar 21 08:14:50 PST 2005

Paul Davis <paul at linuxaudiosystems.com> writes:

> see also http://ardour.org/building.php for more information.

That answers all my questions.  Sorry I missed it before.

> note that DESTDIR is semantically a little different from automake's
> "make install --prefix=...". but that's primarily because ardour
> cannot be run after such an "alternate" installation - it needs to
> know where various configuration and data files have been
> installed. This is discussed in the info doc for automake, and
> acknowledged as something that will not work for certain programs.

I don't require that "feature" of `make install --prefix='.  I doubt
many people do.  IMHO, the most important "obscure" automake features
are: (1) installing to a temporary packaging tree, (2) make distcheck,
(3) separable build and source trees, and (4) cross-compilation.

The problems with "uninstall" are less serious.  That fails for many
automake packages, anyway.  Hence stow and the various packaging

> jack probably remembers the days when every unix program install was
> accompanied by instructions to set a couple of environment variables
> specific to the program (which helped it find those files). i don't
> know if that was a better solution or not, but it seems unusual to see
> programs requiring that these days.

Yup.  For good reasons.  Environment variables are unmanageable in a
binary RPM and DEB packaging world.  Putting files in a well-known
location like /usr/share/<package> is far more reliable.  Users expect
the package to work immediately, not after the next time they login.

> DESTDIR is primarily for packagers who need to build a "subtree"
> containing just the files that ardour installs. that subtree will
> ultimately be installed in the "normal" place on a user's machine.

That's what I need.  Both rpmbuild and stow require it.

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