[ardour-dev] MMC News

Joe Hartley jh at brainiac.com
Sun Apr 3 06:23:15 PDT 2005

On Sat, 2 Apr 2005 22:31:05 -0500
"Christopher K. George" <ckg at YaleSDA.org> wrote:
> I was a bit rushed and just wanted to get the news out that I was having
> issues.  Wasn't able to look into it much at the time.  It appears that the
> problem may not be directly related to MMC.  I'm having some problems with the
> gtk interfacing freezing up under entirely different situations.  It doesn't
> crash, it just doesn't respond.  

I can reliably crash the CVS version I have (gtk 0.582, libardour 0.882)
by using the MMC Fwd control on my BCF2000.  It starts playing at a 
speeded-up rate, then freezes completely.  I have to kill -9 the ardour
process.  There's a small window that pops up when it freezes, but says
nothing in it.

I have successfully mapped a knob to an Ardour panner, but am unable to
map rec-enable, solo or mute to any of the buttons, which are sending
Program Change values.  When I do the ctrl-middleclick, I get the "operate
MIDI controller now" message and it goes away when I hit the button, which
tells me that it's getting the signal, but Ardour doesn't respond to the
control.  I'm still trying to troubleshoot this to see if it's something
on my end, but the fader and panner works extremely well.

       Joe Hartley - UNIX/network Consultant - jh at brainiac.com
Without deviation from the norm, "progress" is not possible. - FZappa

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