[Ardour-Users] Nightly build core dump

Gunter Königsmann gunter at peterpall.de
Thu Sep 21 08:25:53 PDT 2017

On 21.09.2017 13:10, Axel 'the C.L.A.' Müller wrote:
> On Thu, 21 Sep 2017 08:42:50 +0200
> Gunter Königsmann <gunter at peterpall.de> wrote:
>> On my system the default location a new ardour session is created in
>> currently points to "(none)" (I know I could choose a more meaningful
>> default instead). If I now try to create a new session there in the
>> current git build I am no more returned to the session setup dialogue.
>> Ardour dumps core instead => no big problem at all. But I thought better
>> inform the devs.
> http://lists.ardour.org/pipermail/ardour-dev-ardour.org/2017-September/014255.html
> Apart from that Ardour 6 on the first run should have asked if you want
> to copy settings from the previous version or shown the first time run
> dialog. You didn't mention what you have choosen there.

Seems like I did find a way to make ardour6 skip that part: I just did a

git update
sudo ./waf install

...and an ardour6 believing to be ardourt6 was installed.
Which might not be a bug, so no complaints here. In the meantime I did a

./waf configure

which caused the question to appear. I chose "yes" and tried to create a
new session in a place that cannot be written to. The result was again:

protocol Steinberg CC121 active ? 0
protocol Open Sound Control (OSC) active ? 0
protocol Mackie active ? 0
protocol Generic MIDI active ? 0
protocol PreSonus FaderPort8 active ? 0
protocol PreSonus FaderPort active ? 0
Scanning folders for bundled LV2s: /usr/local/lib/ardour6/LV2
Set cursor set to default
Butler drops pool trash
ardour-6.0.pre0.38: /usr/include/boost/smart_ptr/shared_ptr.hpp:710:
typename boost::detail::sp_member_access<T>::type
boost::shared_ptr<T>::operator->() const [with T = ARDOUR::Auditioner;
typename boost::detail::sp_member_access<T>::type =
ARDOUR::Auditioner*]: Assertion `px != 0' failed.
Aborted (core dumped)
gunter at Marius:~$ watched PID no longer exists - releasing device.

As Paul Davis has announced that ardour currently is in the course of
big changes that might to be expected, currently. But if you want me to
try something else I will voluntarily do it: I rather like ardour.

Kind regards,


Now I

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