[Ardour-Users] Ardour 4.6.0 built from source

Ingo Strüwing Ingo.Struewing at web.de
Sun Feb 7 03:56:56 PST 2016

Hi Paul,

Am 06.02.2016 um 23:17 schrieb Paul Davis:
> (1) We really do not provide support for self-builds. We're not against
> people building it from source, but providing you with support when things
> don't work as you expect takes resources away from things that we consider
> more useful for the entire community.

That's fine. Thanks for answering anyway.

> (2) Internationalization requires a run of ./waf i18n

Fine. That helped. If time permits, I would appreciate, if this hint
could be added to the build instructions.

Another valuable hint would be to run ./waf --help, which provides build
options. For me, it was good to configure with

Thanks again. Ardour is really a great program.


> (3) The source tarball was not built with the tag. This was an error.
> On Sat, Feb 6, 2016 at 5:12 PM, Ingo Strüwing <Ingo.Struewing at web.de> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I downloaded the source package and built it on Ubuntu 15.10. I followed
>> the build instructions up to "./ardev".
>> The program calls itself Ardour 4.5.3 (built from revision
>> 4.5-3-gcf6a3af) and tells me, that version 4.6 has been released. Is
>> this expected? (A clone from git, and checkout from tag 4.6 results in
>> 4.6.0)
>> The program has less localized messages than the Ubuntu package. Is
>> there something, I can do, to improve this? (I copied the locale files
>> over from a demo version, which seemed to be a success on the first
>> glance, but it is probably not a safe bet.)
>> Regards
>> Ingo
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