[Ardour-Users] Ardour 4.6.0 built from source

Paul Davis paul at linuxaudiosystems.com
Sat Feb 6 14:17:51 PST 2016

(1) We really do not provide support for self-builds. We're not against
people building it from source, but providing you with support when things
don't work as you expect takes resources away from things that we consider
more useful for the entire community.

(2) Internationalization requires a run of ./waf i18n

(3) The source tarball was not built with the tag. This was an error.

On Sat, Feb 6, 2016 at 5:12 PM, Ingo Strüwing <Ingo.Struewing at web.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> I downloaded the source package and built it on Ubuntu 15.10. I followed
> the build instructions up to "./ardev".
> The program calls itself Ardour 4.5.3 (built from revision
> 4.5-3-gcf6a3af) and tells me, that version 4.6 has been released. Is
> this expected? (A clone from git, and checkout from tag 4.6 results in
> 4.6.0)
> The program has less localized messages than the Ubuntu package. Is
> there something, I can do, to improve this? (I copied the locale files
> over from a demo version, which seemed to be a success on the first
> glance, but it is probably not a safe bet.)
> Regards
> Ingo
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