[Ardour-Users] No sound from my speakers

JoergSorge technik at srb.fm
Fri Jul 18 04:48:37 PDT 2014

Hi Steve the Fiddle:
>> From this point, all other usual audio-programms (like flasplayer etc),
>> that uses PulseAudio (another linux-sound-system) are stopping to work
>> (to play).
> That should not really happen.
> If it does, then it's probably because you don't have
> "pulse-audio-module-jack" installed, or not configured.

yes, you are right!

But the "normal" user of a "mainstream-distro" will get absolutely no
info about such issues, when he start ardour!

Beside technical solutions or facts, I mean it's time to look over the
fence and stop any disskusions about the "better or dirty" systems or
use a "audio-distro".

Some people will simply do her work with an standart-install. Maybe
audio-editing is for such people one application among others. Under OSX
or Windows you can start heavy audioediting-programs without the skills
for a "jackd versus pulse-audio guru".....why must it be so complicatet
under linux?

And I Think it's not good for such a great Program like Ardour and
others in the "jack-audio-world" when new users fall into this
(preventable) traps.

I know enough people they have testet ardour and are struggled about
this issues, and left this great alternative....

Did you understand, that I think, it's a generally problem that must be
solved, not only technical?

Regards Joerg

> "module-jack-sink" and "module-jack-source" should be loaded after
> jack is started but before running any non-jack applications.
> If you use QJackCtl to start Jack, then you can load the modules
> automatically by adding the following line to:
> "Setup > Options > Exectute script after startup"
> pactl load-module module-jack-sink channels=2; pactl load-module
> module-jack-source channels=2; pacmd set-default-sink jack_out
> Of course, you only need this if you want to run non-jack audio
> applications while Jack is running.
> Steve
>> Linux-sound-Systems are for newbies a jungle!
>> First, when you will properly use ardour, it's necessary to understand
>> the different sound-systems and there specifics. In the next step, you
>> will be able to fix problems between this world's.
>> So, no Sound on Speakers can easely be a routing-problem.
>> To check this, I think, its not necessary to install another distro or
>> what ever....maybe the app "patchage" can usefull.
>> Regards, Joerg
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