[Ardour-Users] From Ardour 2 to 3 and from mac to Linux *MEGA-ouch*

Wendy Van Wynsberghe wendy at constantvzw.com
Tue May 7 08:03:23 PDT 2013

Hello Jorn,

Thanks a lot for your answer!
The reason I switched to Ardour 3 was because Linux Mint bricked Gtk - and
thus severely hurt Ardour :-/ (it does not even want to start, very sad)

You have made my next trajectory quite clear:
Dig up my old laptop - reinstall it with 64 studio, avlinux or ubuntu for
example - and just be a little more patient!!!

Pfew! (I know what I'm doing this evening..)



On 7 May 2013 14:00, Jörn Nettingsmeier <nettings at stackingdwarves.net>wrote:

> Wendy,
> On 05/07/2013 09:30 AM, Wendy Van Wynsberghe wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to open my files made in Ardour 2, now in Ardour 3
>> (I had to move all my sound files)
> I would recommend against taking complex sessions from A2 to A3.
> The limitations in "upgrading" sessions are known.
> With the number of new features and structural changes to A3, it would be
> very complicated to have perfect A2 import. Instead, the devs concentrate
> their limited resources on stability and new features in A3.
> Given that A2 will continue to be available for download, I guess that's
> fair enough.
> From my own experience in upgrading sessions, you can pretty much count on
> the following being b0rken afterwards:
> * all automation
> * most if not all controller mappings
> * some plugins seem to get lost
> * timecode and sync settings
> In rare cases, I've ended up with sessions with a broken processing graph
> - when playing, you don't see any channel meters and there is no sound
> despite the routing being correct.
> I haven't been able to pinpoint the problem, but I worked around it by
> simplifying the session in A2 before loading it in A3.
> OTOH, the actual sound content and region layout has been preserved
> correctly. So I'm now confident to take an edited session from A2 to A3 for
> mixing, but if you have started mixing in A2 and there is a deadline, for
> your own sanity's sake finish it in A2.
>  I get the following warnings:
>> -> [WARNING]: Legacy session: automation list has no automation-id
>> property.
>> -> [WARNING]: AutomationList node without automation-id property, using
>> default: gain
> These are well known and might not be fixed for the reason stated above.
>  -> pop-up window : Port registration Window
>> unable to create port: failed constructor
>> please press close.. (and then you start all over again)
>> -> [ERROR]: JACK: Disconnect: can't disconnect named semaphore name =
>> jack_sem.1000_default_**ardourprobe err = Invalid argument*
> That's a new one. Maybe you have a zombie Ardour session in the background
> and have used up all your ports?
> If you are using JACK2 (a.k.a. version 1.9.something), it will sometimes
> leave stale files in /dev/shm which prevent a restarted jack from working
> correctly. If your jack is dead and there is still stuff in there that has
> "jack" or anything related to audio in its filename, delete it.
>  And my session does not want to open
>> (stress..)*
> Try using A2. It should be fully compatible with A2 on mac, with the
> obvious caveat: if you have used AU plugins, they will not be available on
> Linux.
>  - I am running Linux Mint Maya (Lts)
>> - the sessions were made on Mac OS X*
>> ---> I have never used Mantis before --> is this the kind of stuff I
>> would report there? It seems daunting to a non developer*
> It's actually quite friendly. If you don't understand a particular field,
> just leave it empty. More experienced mantis users can polish your ticket
> if necessary. But before you report such issues, maybe go on IRC, talk to
> the devs and ask what classes of bugs they are actually interested in and
> have time to eventually address.
>  ----> for bug reports, is it best to start Ardour from the command line?
>> gdb is a bit too far off :-/*
> Yes, good point. Starting from the command line will let you see any
> critical error messages in your terminal window.
> GDB is not too scary either, there's a simple recipe to create meaningful
> backtraces. But it can be very slow with large sessions.
> However, GDB is most helpful for end-users when there's an actual crash.
> Simple misfeatures can't be diagnosed with a backtrace.
> Best,
> Jörn
> --
> Jörn Nettingsmeier
> Lortzingstr. 11, 45128 Essen, Tel. +49 177 7937487
> Meister für Veranstaltungstechnik (Bühne/Studio)
> Tonmeister VDT
> http://stackingdwarves.net
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