[Ardour-Users] Unsung heroes of Linux

Joe Hartley jh at brainiac.com
Tue Feb 14 11:01:04 PST 2012

An article at Linux.com talks about folks that don't have the name 
recognition of Linus Torvalds or Richard Stallman, but help make the 
FOSS world go 'round.


Right underneath Jean Tourillhes, whose name is familiar to anyone 
who ever connected a Linux box to a wireless network back in the 
early days of wi-fi, comes JACK and a shout out to very familiar names
to everyone on this list.

Congratulations on the recognition, those of us who use JACK and are
glad we can work on such powerful and yet free systems already appreciate
your hard work, and are glad that others appreciate it as well.

       Joe Hartley - UNIX/network Consultant - jh at brainiac.com
 Without deviation from the norm, "progress" is not possible. - FZappa

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