[Ardour-Users] Determine bpm of given audio

fukked up fukked_up at gmx.net
Mon Oct 3 14:44:48 PDT 2011

Am 03.10.2011 22:14, schrieb Brett Clark:
> >> Given a drummer that has a steady beat, this sounds reasonable
> If the drummer cannot keep a steady beat, then the use of a click
> track will cause a lot of pain and frustration.  Here's what you need
> to do:
> 1) figure out tempo and setup click track
> 2) send drummer out for pizza
> 3) quickly build a drum loops track
> 4) try and convince the drummer that he tracked those before he left
> for the pizza, and must have forgotten about it.
> 5) track the rest of the band off the drum loops
> Just my 2 cents on that.  ;-)
> --Brett
> On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 2:39 PM, fukked up <fukked_up at gmx.net
> <mailto:fukked_up at gmx.net>> wrote:
>     Am 03.10.2011 21:29, schrieb Ben Loftis:
>     >
>     >>> Hi,
>     >>> can you tell me an easy way to determine the bpm of audio that
>     I record
>     >>> with ardour? I will record a band that doesn't know how fast
>     their songs
>     >>> are. So I want to let them play it once and then record it
>     with click at
>     >>> the right tempo. I don't want them to go nuts, while I try to
>     fumble out
>     >>> the tempo by adjusting it manually. I have separate tracks for the
>     >>> drums, so maybe bassdrum or snare are a suitable source.
>     >>> thx.
>     >>>
>     >>
>     >
>     > Have the drummer play a measure at the tempo they want while you
>     record.
>     > Select a "range" from the downbeat of the first measure to the
>     downbeat
>     > of the second measure.
>     > Then click "Edit->Tempo->Set Tempo from Edit Range"
>     >
>     > -Ben
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     >
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>     >
>     Given a drummer that has a steady beat, this sounds reasonable and
>     practical to me.
>     I should use this list more often.
>     Thx Ben!
>     /mn0
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The pizza idea might work for other musicians as well.
>If the drummer cannot keep a steady beat, then the use of a click track
will cause a lot of pain and frustration.
I don't believe the click track has any influence on the pain and
frustration. With click, pain and frustration for the drummer, without
click pain and frustration for me in the mix. That's why I want to use
it ;-)
Btw I didn't say he had no steady beat. Also the steadiness doesn't have
an effect for setting the tempo except the whole song is somewhere
within the delta of the drummers tempo rather than being at THE tempo.

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