[Ardour-Users] ardour 3.0 alpha season drawing to an end

Paul Davis paul at linuxaudiosystems.com
Mon Jul 18 05:36:16 PDT 2011

On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 6:51 AM, Robin Gareus <robin at gareus.org> wrote:

> Maybe the "Please wait while Ardour loads visual data." is already a
> clue enough for the core-devs to know what may be going on?  Paul? Carl?

this means nothing more than that ardour is reading peakfiles (or
audio data, depending on the zoom level) to get ready to draw
waveforms. with a huge session that is either extremely zoomed in or
extremely zoomed out, this can be slow.

> It'll certainly help to file a bug-report on the tracker. Include the
> console log-output of ardour (highlight the point where it hangs); but I
> have a feeling that eventually a back-trace will be necessary to track
> this down.

console output is rarely useful. however, with ardour3 there is a
fairly long list of things that can be debugged via the -D flags (-D
list shows them all), but its not exhaustive.

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