[Ardour-Users] Automation from analog mix?

Jörn Nettingsmeier nettings at stackingdwarves.net
Fri Dec 17 07:58:54 PST 2010

On 12/17/2010 02:43 AM, David Kastrup wrote:
> Hi,
> I was wondering: if you are recording using a mixer (and using pre-fader
> recording outputs), wouldn't it be feasible to record the analog mix and
> use echo compensation techniques for figuring out the fader settings (if
> we are more ambitious, equalizer settings) and pull them into the
> automation?  That would allow one to use a good analog mixer (with all
> its nice controls) to do all the mixing hands-on, and still get output
> with the quality achievable by digital mixing.

you mean i would feed pink noise into each of my mixer channels, buy a
32ch a/d converter to get the tape outs, devote two or three cpu cores
to analyzing what i do to the pink noise and mimick that using fader and
eq automation? and all that to end up with a control surface that
doesn't have flying faders and requires the pots to pass the current
value before they lock? you could perhaps sell that to euphonix nostalgists.

plus how would you know if i do the 800hz dent with the hi-mid or the
low-mid band?

i don't know... maybe for the select group of users who obtain ardour by
fax and ocr it back in.

Jörn Nettingsmeier
Lortzingstr. 11, 45128 Essen, Tel. +49 177 7937487

Meister für Veranstaltungstechnik (Bühne/Studio), Elektrofachkraft
Audio and event engineer - Ambisonic surround recordings


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