[Ardour-Users] does reverse leave audio untouched

Atte Andre Jensen atte.jensen at gmail.com
Sun Sep 6 05:44:43 PDT 2009

Paul Davis wrote:

> reverse writes a new file, creates a new Region that references the
> file, and replaces the old region with the new one.
> un-reverse replaces the new region with the ld one.
>> I think and hope the answer is "yes", but I need to ask.
> so ... yes.

Thanks. But actually I didn't ask about un-reverse (i think), just a 
reverse, followed by another reverse. A double file-write with same 
contents at the first one should be ok for me.

A small explanation might be in place: I found this to be a way to force 
ardour to regenerate the graphic rendition of a region (that was the 
name, not "pattern", thanks). I'm still going the unsupported route and 
(only in one project) updating the audio from outside of ardour, 
although I'm not really supposed to :-)


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