[Ardour-Users] join songs with links to files

Nedko Arnaudov nedko at arnaudov.name
Fri Jul 31 08:22:47 PDT 2009

Atte Andre Jensen <atte.jensen at gmail.com> writes:

> Hi
> I'm working on a CD, and I'd like to use ardour for joining the
> individual songs into a whole, some with cross fades, others with
> overlaps, also maybe a bit of processing here and there.
> The thing is I'm still working on the songs, but would like to make a
> project in ardour that have the transitions and processing *and*
> that'll allow me to work on the songs (in external software) and
> automatically have these changes reflected when I open my ardour
> project.
> I tried "import" and un-checking the "copy files to session", but it
> seems that it doesn't work as I expect, upon updating the songs
> externally, ardour still uses the previous version (I of course close
> ardour when working on the songs).
> I seem to remember doing this before (and it worked), and have a vague
> recollection of a "link to files" check box, that seems to have been
> replaced with "copy files to sesion".
> So, although ardour in this way might be considdered abuse, is there a
> way to achieve what I'm looking to do? Or did I simply overlook
> something or do something wrong?

IIRC think Ardour uses hardlinks for this here. Maybe you need symlinks

Nedko Arnaudov <GnuPG KeyID: DE1716B0>
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