[Ardour-Users] Live Recording Techniques

Christopher Stamper christopherstamper at gmail.com
Mon Jul 20 19:49:17 PDT 2009

Hi all,

I've used (and loved) Ardour a lot, recording in a studio-type
environment. Now, it looks like I'll be doing my first live recording
of a choir. Plus I have to use ardour on OS X - and I've never used a
mac. And I've got to do it tomorrow.

So, I have a few questions.  ;-)

-As an Ubuntu user, is there anything that I should know about the mac
version? The guy who owns the mac said that the 'free' version of
Ardour has some limitations; is this true? I recall a discussion on
this list about fund-raising, sothis sounds almost credible.

-Is there any easy way to get a bunch of plugins installed at once? I
don't want to have to compile them all... (I really only need the CAPS

-And my biggest question. We will probably be doing 3-4 different
songs; I don't want to make a project for each one, yet this is what
I'm used to doing. Howo do you recommend I do it? Just record the
entire session on one track, with no pausing? Should I do each song on
it's own track, using soloing/muting?

 It's not *really* 'live', so we may sing each song more than once if
we need to. However, I want to treat it like it's live, so the choir
director is free to do as he sees fit.

I've never recorded more than one song in a project, so this is kinda
confusing for me. I want to be as efficent as possible...

Also, is Ardour on OS X stable enough for this?

Thanks for any help!

Christopher Stamper

Email: christopherstamper at gmail.com
Web: http://tinyurl.com/2ooncg
gTalk: http://tinyurl.com/6e359r
Skype: cdstamper

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