[Ardour-Users] Enough Already was Sync between internal and external sources

Mark Greenwood fatgerman at ntlworld.com
Thu Jan 22 13:06:31 PST 2009

As a former Cubase and Logic user I know why I switched to Linux. 

It was because of all the wonderful trolls on the mailing lists... ;)

Anyway... 'nuff said. 

Some time ago there was a comment on this thread that made a point I
found particularly interesting. It referred to latency in the hardware
itself. I'm using a Firewire Edirol FA-66. Might there be some extra
latency in the firewire interface? I agree with others who say 5ms
should be musically irrelevant, but there is definitely a latency in my
system that I can hear. Might firewire latency explain it? And if so,
can it be compensated for, or lessened?

I've done some messing around and updated my version of Jack and started
using FFADO instead of the Freebob I was using.. QJackCtrl now reports
my latency as a fairly astonishing 2 ms. That of course is (only) the
software latency, or so I believe. I will continue to experiment.


On Thu, 2009-01-22 at 09:08 +0900, sonofzev at iinet.net.au wrote:

> >I don't know any musician in my social environment that's fine with 
> >music productions done by Linux, independent if they are doing 
> >homerecording or top level professional productions. I was a Linux only 
> >user since November 2003, but since this month I've a Windows install 
> >too. I'm still using Linux for anything, but multimedia production, but 
> >also under Windows, I'm using some FLOSS, that I tried to use under Linux.
> >
> >Some people aren't able to sense the quality problems for Linux and 
> >multimedia, some really might not have quality problems, but I never 
> >heard a audio production that was fine.
> Okay I've kept quiet about your opinions for a while but I'm starting to get angry. 
> Ralf, should I and all other producers who are producing (and yes selling) music produced with Linux software take offence to this last comment. Because it is quite offensive. I believe that my productions are fine  and so do the labels that release me(of course there are improvements but these are not software related... but engineering skill related)
> More importantly, this was a technical thread about how to do something, that is more than possible to do, where someone was asking for assistance and it was being given by people with experience with these issues. There is no need to hijack it with your opinions about how Linux isn't up to par for multimedia production. 
> I (and probably the rest of the list) understand that you have had some bad experiences with some new hardware recently, this is no reason to  Shit Can all music software and music made with Linux (excuse my Australian here).. It almost makes me suspicious you are employed by a certain company in Redmond to do this because as your opinion is clear and you don't want to make a positive contribution, it makes me wonder why you bother to waste your time in writing this. 
> That is all I will say before I too start getting offensive. .. and I am handing this thread back to it's purpose which was to help someone sort out their sync issues. 
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