[Ardour-Users] U.S. goverment grants (Could this solve Ardour's financial headache?)

Stephen Doonan stephen.doonan at gmail.com
Fri Jan 16 06:32:28 PST 2009

Patrick Shirkey wrote:
> A couple of people mentioned applying for grants.

To me, the best sources for major funding (in addition to continuing 
support and sponsorships from Ardour users) that have been suggested so 
far are sponsorships and grants from well-financed
* commercial
* government
* educational
entities, and as Alex Polite mentioned, "semi-state-controlled 
corporations" such as "Sveriges Radio, the Swedish equivalent of BBC."

I still think that there is an arts-oriented educational institution or 
educational-institution program somewhere that would consider it a 
valuable investment for the future to sponsor Ardour, as the infant Unix 
was once coddled and nurtured by universities for the developing use of 
computers within society. :-)

Regarding government grants in the U.S., there are many websites that 
attempt to sell grant-writing software and services, and other websites 
that criticize most of those grant-writing-and-application website 
businesses except the few that pay a fee to be advertised as "the best 
and most trustworthy" of the grant application website businesses.

It's probably best to avoid all of those "we'll help you, buy our 
software and services" websites and go straight to the government-run 
central clearing house for goverment grants from many U.S. government 


At grants.gov one can search for appropriate goverment agencies and 
programs that may be interested in funding one's particular project.

About grants.gov:


Best wishes,
New Mexico US

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