[Ardour-Users] financial ideas commentary

Jörn Nettingsmeier nettings at stackingdwarves.net
Fri Jan 16 06:30:35 PST 2009

Alex Polite wrote:
>     So the bottom line is this: for me, personally, I am not interested in
>     financial ideas that might raise $100 here, $500 there. I need a real,
>     sustainable and substantive income from this work. 
> I'm a Swedish freelance journalist  occasionally  doing some work for SR
> (Sveriges Radio, the Swedish equivalent of BBC). I know that most people
> at SR are forced to edit their programs in a proprietary tool that
> everyone pretty much hates. (Someone described it as trying to do
> embroidery with a pair of boxing gloves on) From my perspective it would
> really be in SRs interest (and probably similar big Public Service
> actors throghout Europe) to sponsor a project like Ardour and $100k/year
> wouldn't make much of a chip in their budget. The tricky part of course
> is making a deal like that happen. These large semi-state controlled
> corporations are slow moving creatures. If you'd be interested I could
> try to locate the right people to talk to at SR.

if any such deals ever come close to becoming a reality, i would gladly
offer to do demos of and presentations on ardour and of how to interface
successfully with an open-source development community for interested
parties, free of charge and pretty much anywhere in the world, provided
any travelling expenses are covered by someone.

i hereby also volunteer to assist in or organize the creation of a shiny
ardour "sales brochure" that explains its features and business model of
voluntary commitments, not in exchange for a license to use but in order
to keep ardour development going, and why it might make sense for large
broadcasters or any other mass deployers of DAW software to chip in,
especially with the prospect of getting some customizations done.
this offer is valid immediately after the lac 2009 paper deadline :-D

paul, what is the approximate timeframe to solve ardour's financial
issues? are we talking 6 weeks, 6 months, or 2 years? reason i'm asking
is, it's a whole different story to sell stuff or to *have to* sell
stuff lest the project disintegrate...
btw, personally, i'm actually quite shocked to hear you've got no health
insurance! (me just having had an accident merely without insurance
against loss of income, which was painful enough, being a freelancer at
the time. i would have been set back by another 20k euros for hospital
costs if i hadn't had health insurance. no fun at all.)

best wishes to everyone,


Jörn Nettingsmeier

Verantwortlicher für Veranstaltungstechnik

Audio and event engineer
Ambisonic surround recordings

nettings at stackingdwarves.net
+49 177 7937487

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