[Ardour-Users] Could this solve Ardour's financial headache?

Grammostola Rosea rosea.grammostola at gmail.com
Wed Jan 7 10:50:31 PST 2009

Thomas Vecchione wrote:
> I have to vote no on this one as well.  ONe of the basic premises to 
> me of open source development is that anyone can submit a patch to fix 
> a bug in SVN.   Plus i know on occasion that it has saved meas I could 
> fix a bug easily and move on to get work done, or Paul could send me a 
> patch to test to see if it fixes a bug.
> Aside from philosophical reasons  that I disagree, there is a large 
> technical reason I believe, unless Paul has found a way around this 
> with them.  And that is the host involved.  Doing what you suggest 
> would require one of two things...  One either a single username and 
> password for svn read access, or individual usernames and passwords 
> created for each person, which there isn't an automated way of doing 
> so at the host to my knowledge, or keeping track of them.
>         Seablade
> On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 1:25 PM, John Emmas <johne53 at tiscali.co.uk 
> <mailto:johne53 at tiscali.co.uk>> wrote:
>     ----- Original Message ----- From: "Kevin Cosgrove"
>     Subject: Re: [Ardour-Users] Could this solve Ardour's financial
>     headache?
>         I also vote no, if my opinion counts at all.  We need more
>         subscribers.
>     No-one can argue with that, Kevin - the problem is that nobody has
>     yet come
>     up with a (workable) idea for getting them....  :-)
>         I've seen a bounty system in mantis.  I didn't dig into that much,
>         but I suspect it's a way to pay to escalate a feature request
>         or bug
>         fix.  That's attractive to me, and seems like a smaller scale of
>         company support.
>     Again, there's a fundamental problem - it's not working..!  It's
>     pretty
>     clear to me that the best time to ask people for money is at the
>     outset.
>     People who've been used to NOT paying for something are rarely
>     receptive to
>     paying for it later.  OTOH if the software is supposedly "free"
>     then there
>     has to be a way of getting it for free (source code and binaries).
>      But if
>     there's a more convenient way to get the latest source code on a daily
>     basis, I don't think it's unreasonable to ask people for a
>     contribution
>     (e.g. a registration fee when they sign up for it).  Maybe the
>     registration
>     fee could be voluntary - although I doubt that many people would
>     volunteer to pay it....  :-(
>     John
I also thought about such a concept to raise money, but I do not thing 
this is the good moment for it. There must be others ways which 'we' 
haven't tried.

Take a look at what Linux Mint does to raise money www.linuxmint.com 
check the forum and blog for example... that could be an idea for ardour.

I also think, midi support will cause a boost for Ardour especially for 
the Mac people...



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