[Ardour-Users] Flying faders on BCF2k not moving w/2.2, 2.3

Thomas Vecchione seablaede at gmail.com
Mon Feb 18 15:00:33 PST 2008

You need to set Ardour to access the RAW ALSA MIDI port, instead of using
the Alsa Ports in QJackctl.  As I recall this changed from the .9 series to
the 2.0 series, so this might explain your problem.  Got me for a while to
when I set mine up, some things would work and some would not.



On Feb 18, 2008 5:54 PM, Joe Hartley <jh at brainiac.com> wrote:

> No, I'm not using the Mackie mode.  My setup's documented at
> http://www.ardour.org/files/manual/sn-bcf2000.html
> In Ardour's references window, all 3 devices (control, mcu, and seq)
> are online.  MTC, MMC and MPC are all selected for the control device.
> Under the Options menu, in Control Surfaces, I have Generic MIDI selected,
> Controls->Feedback is checked, and Remote ID follows order of Mixer is
> selected.
> Send MTC, Send MMC and Use MMC are all selected.
> Under QJackCtl, Connect->MIDI, I show the BCF connected to ardour's seq
> input, and ardour's seq output connected to the BCF.
> Just for fun, I went back to 0.99.3 and opened an old session, and all
> ran very well - the BCF's faders moved with gain automation and moving the
> on-
> screen faders.  2.3.1 was still a no-go, though.  As I recall, the fader
> movement stopped for me at the same time that Ardour started showing
> 3 devices (control, mcu, and seq) in the Preferences->MIDI window rather
> than just the seq device.
> As soon as I get this going, I'll update my BCF page in the manual.
> Thanks in advance for the help!
> --
> ======================================================================
>       Joe Hartley - UNIX/network Consultant - jh at brainiac.com
> Without deviation from the norm, "progress" is not possible. - FZappa
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