[Ardour-Users] Ardour segfaults when loading a previously fine session

Arnold Krille arnold at arnoldarts.de
Fri Sep 14 15:23:18 PDT 2007


Am Freitag, 14. September 2007 schrieb lanas:
> Le Vendredi, 14 Septembre 2007 10:03:06 -0400,
> Joe Hartley <jh at brainiac.com> a écrit :
> > This sounds suspiciously like the error I ran into a couple of weeks
> > ago. My problem turned out to be the use of the CAPS EQ plugin in my
> > session.
> 1) Should I be concerned with this even if I'm not using that EQ on any
> track ?

Does the not-loading-session contain one of the CAPS-plugins?

> 2) Why is Ardour suddenly refusing to load a session with which it had
> no problem whatsoever loading before ?

Because the session-file changed. ;-)

> Ah, so many questions.  I think I'll start doing backups of the
> sessions on a daily basis.  I was planning to get another drive
> anyways.  500 GB drives are pretty cheap now.

I am very happy with rsnapshot. I have one traditional config for my normal 
system- and important-data-backup (daily and weekly rotations) and one for 
the music with weekly rotations only. But in case of problems (and higher 
productivity and creativity) you might want to have daily backups of your 
music too.

visit http://www.arnoldarts.de/
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to all your contacts.
After a month or so log in as root and do a rm / -rf. Or ask your 
administrator to do so...
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