[Ardour-Users] Ladspa plugins on mixown

Paul Davis paul at linuxaudiosystems.com
Mon Sep 10 15:07:26 PDT 2007

On Mon, 2007-09-10 at 22:59 +0100, david headon wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a session that sounds great with certain LADSPA plugins like EQ
> and compression.
> IS there a way to mix this to a new ardour stereo track whilst keeping
> the plugins active?
> LAtely i mix to annother Jack aware recorder like Audacity to have the
> plugins work, as recording in ardour 'deafs out' the plugins.
> Anyone have a workaround for this?

Options -> Do not run plugins while recording

Make sure its disabled.

> Ardour version 0.99.2

Say what? 0.99.2 ? on what platform? Why? Thats 3 years old.


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