[Ardour-Users] disk not able to keep up with ardour...

Dan Tepper soundman at wintaper.com
Wed Oct 24 13:12:08 PDT 2007

hdparm is not a very accurate measure - it looks like caching is skewing
your results.

run bonnie - make sure your work files exceed available RAM (to avoid
caching affecting the outcome)

if you have 1GB of ram try this...

bonnie -s 1500

and post your results

John Rigg wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 24, 2007 at 01:37:06PM -0400, sara lidgey wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I'm working a a fairly large multitrack production in Ardour and its gotten to the point where I am getting the "The disk on your computer was not able to keep up with Ardour..." message about every 30 seconds while playing back and while recording. 
>> I'm going to post as much detail as possible below and I would appreciate any advice on solving this problem.  Thanks!
>> ARDOUR SESSION---------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Session length: 3 minutes
>> Number of tracks: 64 
>> NOTE: the problem gets worse as I add more tracks, only 10 tracks are ever being played at once
>> Plugins: none
> What's the sample rate? If it's 92kHz there's no chance of a single
> disk keeping up with 64 tracks. At 48kHz it should be just about
> possible.
> John
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