[ardour-users] Short question concerning quality

Thomas Vecchione seablaede at gmail.com
Thu Jul 12 10:35:50 PDT 2007

Ignore stupid man(me) that didn't read your statement about not wanting to
buy a high end;)

There are audio interface ranging from about $80USD to $300USD or so that
you could look at depending on what you want it to do.  I would check the
Alsa soundcard matrix as well as the freebob supported devices list.  I
believe the MAudio transit is supported and is probably one of your cheaper
bets for decent quality, so that might make a good starting point.  But it
all depends on the feature set you are looking for.


On 7/12/07, Thomas Vecchione <seablaede at gmail.com> wrote:
> Now on to the other points in the message, built in audio cards in laptops
> are reknown for being crappy quality and poorly shielded from the rest of
> the system, if at all(Usually not) and thus pick up a fair amount of noise.
> There are a fair few choices for replacements, the RME Multiface or Digiface
> is probably what I would reccomend, but may not be in your budget, so
> possibly posting up a budget range might help folks make a reccomendation?
>           Seablade
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