[ardour-users] specifying the architecture

Dragan Noveski perodog at gmx.net
Wed Jul 11 08:17:43 PDT 2007

Steven Chamberlain wrote:
> Dragan Noveski wrote:
>> ARCH: Set architecture-specific compilation flags by hand (all flags as 
>> 1 argument)
>> my kernel is compiled with prozessor type 'pentium m'.
> Hi,
> I don't think it should be necessary to provide any compiler flags (via
> the ARCH setting) as most things will be auto-detected.  It might be
> possible to specify additional flags via ARCH to compile a binary which
> is better-optimised for your processor and runs faster, or it might make
> no difference at all.  Some compiler flags might even uncover bugs in
> the program or in the compiler and cause crashes.
> I've had some success recompiling various programs and libraries with
> additional compiler flags, and I've seen measurable performance
> increases.  With ardour though, I experienced frequent crashes with a
> binary which had been compiled with optimisations specified with the
> ARCH setting.
> A full list of the compiler flags will be in the man page for gcc.
> There is a webpage which lists 'safe' compiler options to use on
> different processors; these shouldn't cause any crashes but might give
> better performance:
> http://gentoo-wiki.com/Safe_Cflags#Pentium_M.28Centrino.29.2FCeleron_M
> On that page, the CFLAGS are what you would specify as the ARCH option, eg:
>   scons ARCH="-march=pentium3 -msse2 -O2 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer"
> This should compile a binary which is a little more optimised for a
> Pentium M but should still be stable.
> Hope that helps,
hi steven,
first - very much thanks for your time, trying to help me out to get 
some things sorted.

the reason, why i am asking questions like this in the last days is that 
on my system ardour2.0.3 is not stable, i am always able to crash it - see:


i don't know how to solve this, so i am trying everything what comes in 
to my mind.
the problem is that i still cannot work with ardour2, since i do not 
feel good, being able to crash the appi. ardour0.99.3 i can do a 
missmatching as much as i want to, but the appi will not crash.

yesterday, i was configuring the network at my neighborers new 
ubuntu-studio, and i started ardour2 and was not being able to crash it 
via x-fade editor - it was such a great feeling.

specifying the arch as you suggested, but with pentium 4, did not helped:

scons ARCH="-march=pentium4 -msse2 -O2 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer"

thanks again!


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